Just last week I was talking to a friend of mine who said I should write a blog. I don't know if she meant it or not, but here is my attempt at it!
Welcome! Thank you for checking out my blog! I've never written one of these things, but I figure, how hard can it REALLY be?!
I'll start with today, I suppose. Seems like a good place to begin!
My day started off a little rough. My girl is going through a phase of not staying asleep. After much harping by my mother, I have her on a pretty good schedule, but at nights...I don't know what her deal is! Anyway, that is perhaps another post for another day. K came home at 7am, turned on the TV and watched the PVR'ed episode of Big Brother. At full volume. *sigh*. So peanut wakes up, screaming at the tops of her lungs. I haven't had a solid 4 hours of consecutive sleep in weeks, so to say I'm a wee bit cranky in the morning is an understatement. So, up I get with peanut, and we walk to her room to do the diaper change. I won't say I understand babies, because I don't. The average baby goes through 8 diapers a day. Peanut is more than 7 months old, therefore we have A LOT of diaper changes under our belt! Yet, like clockwork, everytime we change her diaper, she screams like I've just beat the sense out of her (its actually pretty awful!). So, while I'm trying to calm her down, change her diaper and undress/redress her, my husband has decided while brushing his teeth to come and inspect. I'm not in the mood, at all. The whirr of the electric tooth brush proved to be the straw that broke the camels back. I turned around and snapped "I don't need a f*cking audience, thank you". At least he was smart enough to know to just turn around, go to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth and go to bed.
He's lucky he made it out alive. Poor guy.
After that, peanut decided that she'd sufficiently wound me up enough for the time being and decided to fall back asleep. I assumed at this point I probably wasn't too terribly welcome in my own bed, so her and I had a sleep on the couch. Then my mommy friend Lindsay and her son, E, texted us and asked us to go for a walk. In true peanut fashion, my girl waited until we were at the furthest possible point away from home to have a complete and utter melt down. *sigh* thanks dear! after another nap though, all was well. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and reading books and sending daddy off to work!
Tonight, so far, has been eventful! I went with my neighbors adult daughter and another neighbor from down the streeth more my age (and peanut, of course) and got one of these new trendy feathers put in my hair. Tomorrow when I do my hair I will post a picture of it (its rad, as the cool kids say). Once we got home, and peanut was in bed, I showered and continued work on my "labor of love" for her. Thats right, folks, I've made 27 cloth all-in-one diapers for her. Please, hold your applause. I have 8 complete that we alternate days with, and I am working on another 19 as we speak. Hopefully they'll be done by the long weekend as I'm having some special company! More on that later. Now, I'm writting a blog post with a load of clean laundry yelling at me to get off my arse and fold it. I want to fold laundry about as much as I want a boil on my ass. But, such as life. After this, off to bed, and watch the rest of Mr. Deeds and sleep.
Thank you for reading my first (rambling) blog post. I promise they won't all be like this!!
Tune in tomorrow for my next post: "my internet friend is coming for a visit!! Hopefully shes not a pervy old man..."